Over 3,500 kilometers
Nearly 40 hours in the mission van
1 round trip flight
21 cities
36 hours of training
120 missionaries
During May we held specialized training meetings around the mission. The schedule was such that we were able to hold several smaller sessions and traveled most of the mission by car, which also enabled us to meet with many missionaries in their apartments. We held 9 separate training sessions and had a great outpouring the the Spirit as we met together and learned together.
Sisters in Zaragoza |
Between the chapel and the Guggenheim in Bilbao |
Lunch in Bilbao before heading over to Santander |
Pamplona! |
Hnas. Maxwell and Dalton serving fresh banana bread in their piso in San Sebastian |
Lining up for lunch prepared by Elders Booher and Dixon in Hospitalet |
Three flavors of baked chicken! |
Alcoy chapel |
Albacete whiteboard |
Hnas. Farrell and Ratcliff with Hna. Hinckley in Benidorm |
Valencia |
Somewhere in La Mancha: Elder Middleton driving on the right side of the road |
Hurrah! I love all these pictures! Wow, what a trip. I heart El Faro.