The lighthouse at Formentor, Mallorca

The background shows sidewalk tiles - "rajoles" - that pave the sidewalks throughout Barcelona. They were designed by architect Puig i Cadafalch for the entryway of a home. Since 1915, they have been used by the city to pave sidewalks, and have become emblematic of the city. One of the city's most famous chocolatiers, Enric Rovira, produces chocolate bars in the shape and design of these tiles.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Why We Are Here

Elder Gogarty, one of our assistants, goes home on Wednesday, and had a wonderful baptism this morning. Like most of our converts, Nataly came like a gift from heaven - she showed up at Church a few weeks ago with her American boyfriend who is a return missionary and came here to visit her and make sure she connected with the Church.

 Elder Jensen, Elder Gogarty, and Nataly at the baptism

She is a tiny person, but Nataly is 27 and working on her master's degree here in Barcelona. She is staying with her aunt and uncle who live not far from the chapel. Her uncle is a handsome Catalán. She comes from a very well-educated and well-to-do family. She is very bright and has a great understanding of the gospel, studies the Book of Mormon, and has a sweet testimony.

  With her uncle, Salvador, who represented the family at her baptism

 With the office missionaries following the baptism

Because she had received one of the lessons in our home last week, she invited Pte. Hinckley to offer a testimony at her baptism and Hna. Hinckley gave the closing prayer. It was a wonderful service and we are so happy for this bright new member! This is why we are here!


  1. Wish we could have been there! I love seeing pictures of you with all the missionaries we met over Christmas. Love!
