The lighthouse at Formentor, Mallorca

The background shows sidewalk tiles - "rajoles" - that pave the sidewalks throughout Barcelona. They were designed by architect Puig i Cadafalch for the entryway of a home. Since 1915, they have been used by the city to pave sidewalks, and have become emblematic of the city. One of the city's most famous chocolatiers, Enric Rovira, produces chocolate bars in the shape and design of these tiles.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Snow in Barcelona!

La nieve paraliza Barcelona

"Snow Paralyzes Barcelona"

So reads the headline in this afternoon's edition of El País. It began snowing this morning, and has continued all day. At first it was a slushy, freezing rain, but within a few hours there were huge flakes blowing horizontally down the streets.

Early morning - Hna Eberly in Sabadell looking in amazement at the snow

By afternoon all city buses had stopped running and many of the trains were experiencing delays (two Elders on a stalled train after two hours, but they made it home and our out working tonight).

 Looking out from the terrace of the mission home

 Snow-covered palm fronds in front of the mission home

The mission van...




  1. Wow! I'm so enjoying your blog about the mission...I served under Pres. Tenney between 1995-97 and miss Spain so much! I recently discovered this blog and check it weekly. So wonderful to see how the Gospel work is going now in Spain.
    Muchisimas gracias, Beth (Hurlbut) Lee

  2. Amazing pictures! I can't believe all that snow!

  3. I don't believe it. I am there for 2 years and a month after I leave it snows!!
