We interview each missionary once every three months, and July is the month for interviews. We began in Lleida on Friday, 8 July. Then we fly to Bilbao on Sunday evening and interviewed on Monday; Monday evening we fly to Palma for interviews; and Tuesday evening we flew to Valencia.
Elders Salmon, Estrada, Rhead and Malan, and Hna. Kline in Lleida |
Hna. Garcia points out the new edition of El Clarín |
Hnas. Henderson, Garcia, Hinckley, Reeder, Fuentes and Kline |
Hnas. Rodriquez and Martin, Elders Greenburg, Thompson,
Keller, Farley and Knudsen in Palma |
Elders Gross, Matherus, Hughes and Middleton in Valencia |
Elders Olson, Taylor, Ryser and Galan in Valencia |
Next week we will have the opportunity to visit with the remaining missionaries from the Barcelona and Hsopitalet zones, as well as Menorca!
Wow. Felicitats on another miraculous month in the SBM. These miracles are what make the SBM the best mission in the world. Keep up the good work. We miss you and are praying for you daily. I also love the new Clarin!