The lighthouse at Formentor, Mallorca

The background shows sidewalk tiles - "rajoles" - that pave the sidewalks throughout Barcelona. They were designed by architect Puig i Cadafalch for the entryway of a home. Since 1915, they have been used by the city to pave sidewalks, and have become emblematic of the city. One of the city's most famous chocolatiers, Enric Rovira, produces chocolate bars in the shape and design of these tiles.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Concilio

We now hold Zone Leader Council monthly where each zone leader gives an accounting of the work in the zone and we set goals and make plans for the coming month.

As is our custom, we began with a pancake breakfast, then went to work!

 Elder Raban prepares the breakfast

  At work...

 The "official" photo