The lighthouse at Formentor, Mallorca

The background shows sidewalk tiles - "rajoles" - that pave the sidewalks throughout Barcelona. They were designed by architect Puig i Cadafalch for the entryway of a home. Since 1915, they have been used by the city to pave sidewalks, and have become emblematic of the city. One of the city's most famous chocolatiers, Enric Rovira, produces chocolate bars in the shape and design of these tiles.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What We Do

In the Spain Barcelona Mission

Elder Laney and Elder Lee posing with Hermana Maria, one of our baptisms today. Hermana Maria saw a poster about English classes a few weeks ago and showed up at the chapel for the class. After the class the missionaries always give a spiritual message. She was touched, and today she was baptized.

Maria missed her metro stop on her way to Church on Sunday and so will not be confirmed until next Sunday. Not counting Maria, we saw 49 souls baptized and confirmed during the month of November with 100 full-time missionaries in the mission! We are proud of the great faith of our missionaries - and of their hard work which goes along with their faith. With their faith - and their picks and shovels - they can move mountains!


  1. Great picture! What an amazing month!

  2. What an awesome thing you are doing in Spain.
    Keep up the good work. We are grandparents of Elder Hunsaker and are so proud of him. Thank you Pres and Sister Hinkley for this blog.l
