We started another round of zone conferences this past Friday, as we are anxious to share with the missionaries much of what we learned in the recent Seminar for Mission Presidents. As is our practice, we began with the Palma Zone out on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Mallorca. Palma is one of the prime vacation spots of Europe - it is a beautiful city of tree-lined boulevards and narrow alleys, situated on a picturesque bay. We have two branches in Palma, two additional branches on the same island, and one small branch on the island of Menorca. Twelve remarkable missionaries serve here, and they are all dedicated, faithful, hardworking servants of our Father in Heaven. We love them and are proud of them!

after returning from Palma
We continue to see miracles every week all throughout the mission. A few days ago Hermana Hinckley met a woman named Gloria not far from the mission home, and invited her to walk down to the office to learn more. As it turns out, Gloria is a less-active member who has not been to Church in some time. Saturday night we were attending a baptism in our local ward (the fourth baptism in four weeks in our ward), and Gloria came in with the pair of missionaries she had met in the mission office. When she saw Hermana Hinckley, she exclaimed, "I'm here, just like I promised you I would be!" She is living with some family members who are not yet members of the Church, and has asked that the missionaries come over and teach them all!
I'm glad zone conference went well. I am loving the pictures. Looks like you are remembering your camera more often! Love you!